Giorgia Stainer

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  • Venezia, Veneto
  • Giorgia Stainer
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  • Not even rain could ruin lil’ Marco’s smile, as we toured Venice and its waterways in our luxury motor-launch! Boat tours are one of my favourite ways to see the city: we cover a lot of ground in a short time by simply leaning back and…enjoying the view!
  • Venecia y España comparten una pasiòn en particular…¡tapas! Los bocadillos venecianos (llamados “cicchetti”) son una de las maneras mejores para descubrir los platos tìpicos de la ciudad. Juntas a una “ombra” (vaso de vino) las tapas se toman tanto en pequeños bares llamados “bacari”, como en muchos restaurantes no turìsticos. ¡Me encanta probarlos todos!
  • Pics do not come out too well when you delve into the darkness of the Doge’s Palace’ “Secret itineraries”…During this exclusive tour we will enter off-limit parts of what was once the White House of the Venetian Republic. From the ghastly “Pozzi” prisons to the office of the Great Chancellor, from the “Chamber of Torment” to Casanova’s former…[Leggi tutto]
  • Vor 3 Jahren schickte mir Herr Manfred aud Duesseldorf dieses Foto von unsere Stadtfuehrung im Padua. Damals entdeckten wir den “Bo” Palast (Sitz der Universitaet), das Obst-und Gemuese Markt bei dem Gerichtsgebaude (“Palazzo della Ragione”) und die wunderschoene Basilika des Heiligen Antonius (genannt “El Santo” unter den Paduanern). Einer meine…[Leggi tutto]
  • Visita “a porte chiuse” per questa meravigliosa scolaresca di 1^ Media, alla scoperta della Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista. I ragazzi erano molto curiosi e pieni di domande interessanti, che bello avere un pubblico così!
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